Escape from New York (1981)
Bob Hauk: You go in, find the President, bring him out in less than 24 hours, and you're a free man.
Snake Plissken: Bullshit!
Bob Hauk: I'm making you an offer.
Snake Plissken: Get a new president.
Bob Hauk: Is that your answer?
Snake Plissken: I'm thinking about it.
Bob Hauk: Think hard. We're still at war. We need him alive.
Snake Plissken: I don't give a fuck about your war...or your president.
Bob Hauk: I'm not a fool, Plissken!
Snake Plissken: Call me "Snake."
Hauk: Plissken? Plissken, what are you doing?
Snake Plissken: Playing with myself! I'm going in.
Bob Hauk: Remember, once you're inside you're on your own.
Snake Plissken: Oh, you mean I can't count on you?
Bob Hauk: No.
Snake Plissken: Good!
The Duke: They sent in their best man, and when we roll across the 59th Street bridge tomorrow, on our way to freedom, we're going to have their best man leading the way - from the neck up! [cheering erupts]
The Duke: On the hood of my car!
Bob Hauk: You going to kill me, Snake?
Snake Plissken: Not now, I'm too tired. [pause]
Snake Plissken: Maybe later.
Romero: You touch me... he dies. If you're not in the air in thirty seconds... he dies. You come back in... he dies.
Romero: [Romero takes a package out of his shirt and unwraps it to reveal the President's middle finger, complete with ring] Twenty seconds.
Hauk: I'm ready to talk
Romero: Nineteen. Eighteen.
Hauk: What do you want?
Romero: Seventeen. Sixteen.
Hauk: Let's go. Let's go!
President: [shouting] You're the Duke! Ha ha!!
President: [fires machine gun at the Duke]
President: [shouting] You're the Duke of New York!
President: [fires machine gun at the Duke]
President: [quietly] You're...A-number one