A long road.
The affirmation of the rights of the man has been a long and tormented road. Already in the “Middle Ages” we have the "Magna Charta Libertatum" and "Habeas the Corpus" but they are of European matrix and tied to the message of the Christianity.

The French Revolution, in 1789 with the "Universal Declaration", for the first time codifies in a legal text the concept of the right of equality of all the human, approved by the National Assembly of France, August 26, 1789, “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good”.
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of which I transcribe article 1:
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with
In the declaration of the 1948 the human were evoked “beings” (the human beings), in an abstract and general meaning just because every subdivision in race, citizenship, nationality, sex, age, etc. had to be exceeded.